Expanding the field 2018
Norwich, UK - June 3-6 2018

In the past three decades, there has been a growing appreciation of development as a dynamical system. Historically, this reflects synergies between physics and mathematics and emerging concepts in psychological science. As we consider developmental dynamics 30 years on, this gathering seeks renewed multi-disciplinary synergies to broaden our understanding of developmental process.
Toward this end, we bring developmental scientists together with modellers, roboticists, and neuroscientists to exchange ideas, recognizing that outside-the-box thinking can both enhance how we think about development and shape discussions in other disciplines.
Workshop Organizers: John Spencer, Larissa Samuelson, Gregor Schöner, Yulia Sandamirskaya
Conference Committee: Louise Ewing, Gavin Nobes, Nicholas Walsh
Web Czars: Raul Grieben (raul.grieben@ini.rub.de), Mathis Richter (mathis.richter@ini.rub.de)
Special Thanks to Jackie Orford & Yvonne Kirkham
The conference venue is the Thomas Paine Study Centre at UEA on Chancellors Drive (you may enter through the door marked ‘The Norwich Business School’). The registration desk will be in the lobby.
DFT Bootcamp 2018
Norwich, UK - June 7-9 2018

The DFT Bootcamp is designed to be an intensive, 3-day introduction to Dynamic Field Theory. The Bootcamp will cover everything from the basics of dynamic field theory up to our latest research projects. Morning lectures—taught by Prof. John Spencer—will cover the DFT basics, using our book ‘Dynamic Thinking—A Primer on DFT’ as a guide. Afternoon sessions will introduce students to hands-on work with DF models using the COSIVINA framework and the exercises from the book. We will have multiple tutors on hand for these sessions, making them fun and interactive. Application lectures at the end of each day will expose students to new, innovative work with DFT that extends beyond the book. At the end of the Bootcamp, students will have a well-rounded introduction to DFT that can be the stepping stone to amazing things.
Bootcamp Organizer: John Spencer